Legal and Holocracy

Are Pyramids Agile? Replacing Traditional Hierarchy to Distribute Authority and Accelerate Change

Many business leaders and scholars, have observed that traditional top-down management is not an optimal structure for driving employee engagement.  Organizations are increasingly experimenting with systems that attempt to replace the standard hierarchy with a new paradigm that relies on distributed authority and self-directed work.  In this HCI Keynote video, Kevin Joyce, of the Legal and Holacracy team at ARCA, describes how this 500-person technology company is using a “Holacracy” to replace the traditional top down approach to management and operations.

Key insights:

  • Explore why organizations are evolving away from traditional, pyramid-based organizational charts and toward self-directed work
  • Re-design your org-chart to actually reflect the reality of what people are doing in your company.
  • Learn how a Holocracy’s clear rules and distribution of authority can engage employees, unlock creativity, and drive results.
  • Discover how dynamic steering can help your organization grow and adapt as needed to changing business needs.