Qeyno Labs

Hacking the Oakland to Silicon Valley Pipeline

Only two percent of Silicon Valley workers are African-American and three percent are Hispanic. Although Silicon Valley crosses technological boundaries every day, there is room for improved when it comes to cultural diversity.
Our closing keynote, Kalimah Priforce has dedicated himself to inclusive technology and education through Qeyno Labs, which aims to empower children to transform their worlds through social innovation, education, and technology. Qeyno’s Hackathon Academy prepares high potential youth in low opportunity settings to become next generation developers, designers, and innovators in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art Design, and Mathematics).
You will learn:

  • How to develop a great mentorship program.
  • How to develop the next generation through play, empathy, and discovery.
  • How to spawn a future workforce, while expanding a young person’s life trajectory.