Founder & CEO
Piper Key Analytics

10:45am- 11:25am Advancing Enterprise Effectiveness: Build Better Teams Using ONA

General Session
Many organizations are switching from static hierarchies to a hub of networked people and teams. This structure allows leadership the flexibility to adjust resources to changing strategies without conducting a formal reorg. As a result, HR professionals are tasked to assemble these higher functioning teams with often limited knowledge. Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) is a technology designed to augment HRIS data and advance enterprise effectiveness by uncovering the talent and relationships needed to staff these complex teams. With minimal effort, ONA helps HR professionals analyze its existing talent, locate the necessary resources, and provide exceptional insights into the organizations' workforce. 
In this session, you will learn: 
- Learn how ONA can help uncover the vital relationships and skill sets within your organization. 
.- Discover how quickly, and ethically, ONA data can be combined with traditional HRIS systems. 
- Discuss building a business case and engaging stakeholders.